Disinfecting Services in the Greater Toronto Area
How is a Disinfection Different from a Regular Cleaning Service?
While regular cleaning is a great way to keep your facility in good order, it is only half the battle. The majority of gunk and grime settled on your surroundings is entirely invisible to the naked eye.
Unlike a standard cleaning, our disinfection package works to eliminate dangerous bacteria and harmful chemical residue at a microbial level. Industry-leading products alongside our world-class expertise can help you ensure that every time you tidy up, you’re cleaning where it counts.
Generations Cleaning offers around-the-clock, 24/7 availability for all of your urgent sanitization needs. Servicing Ontario and surrounding areas, we come prepared to redefine what it means to leave a place sparkling clean. We leave no stone unturned, disinfecting every nook and cranny of your complex, hotel, retail storefront, manufacturing facility, or just about any other space you can think of.
We are also incredibly flexible. We work alongside you to understand your business needs and ensure our presence in the building does not disrupt the flow of your operations. We accommodate most standard and irregular schedules, and you can count on us to be on time, every time.
Generations Cleaning means business. And as our clients’ needs ramp up, so does our commitment to exceptional customer service. We proudly disinfect over 4 million square feet daily, helping maintain a sterile environment for your staff and patrons. Bacteria and viruses don’t stand a chance against our highly effective methods.
Moreover, we work with our clients to instill sanitization best practices, so you can lower the risk of viruses and sickness-causing bacteria when we are not around. Dangerous microbes are no laughing matter. A routine disinfection service is always cheaper than the legal fallout of being the epicenter of the world’s next pandemic.
We can all agree that the current state of global affairs (thanks to COVID-19) is anything but pleasant. And while poor disinfecting practices might not have directly caused this outbreak, the fallout can absolutely be attributed to poorly cleaned, heavily trafficked common areas.
As businesses begin to reopen their doors, providing a safe space for your customers and staff has never been more critical. The future of commerce will rely on continued enhanced hygiene across the board. Generations Cleaning has the resources and experience you need to create a low-risk environment for all the foot traffic through your complex.
In light of the probability of heightened exposure to Coronavirus, we also offer rapid response sanitization treatments for any areas where you believe there may have been an incident. Our staff takes all necessary precautions, including high-grade protective gear, to help you stop the spread. We are committed to flattening the curve and playing our part in this truly global effort towards a return to normalcy.